Matted Photographic Prints
Matted Photographic Prints
Matted Photographic Prints
Matted Photographic Prints
wooden print stand. wood block for displaying matted prints.
wooden print stand. wood block for displaying matted prints.
wooden print stand. wood block for displaying matted prints.

Matted Photographic Prints

Matted Photographic Prints are printed on Fuji DPII Paper in Lustre finish and mounted on an acid-free board to create an impressive print. We have added a bevelled passepartout frame (2.6mm-3.0mm height) on top for beautiful presentation and protection.

Matted Prints can be ordered with a solid oak wood stand for the full display experience without any hassle. Wooden Stand for Matted Prints measures 5.5" x 2.75" x 0.75" / 14 x 7 x 2 cm (L x W x H).

All prints are made by hand. Should you require a custom size or a quote for a larger quantity, please contact us.

IMPORTANT! Clamshell box available as an option. Please make sure the size of the box matches the mat size, not the print size. For example, 4x6" print in 6x8" will fit in 6x8" box.

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